Welcome to Higher Education Reform Experts - South Africa

Welcome to HERE-SA

Higher Education Reform Experts – South Africa

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press releases and articles.

HERESA evolves into HERE-Africa!

We are excited to announce that based on a decision taken by the Higher Education Reform Experts South Africa (HERESA) partners in October 2023, the HERESA will now evolve into HERE-Africa. This wider network of institutions will function as an ecosystem for transforming Higher Education in the Southern African Development Community (SADC), premised on a foundation notion of the ‘engaged university’ and universities for impact. As with HERESA, the network will be supported by our EU partners and OBREAL, and currently, we are eagerly awaiting the outcome of the network’s first joint funding application to the European Commission which focuses on using entrepreneurship education as the vehicle for driving economic development within the region.

HERESA DSS Event: Outcomes Report

From Higher Education Reform Experts South Africa (HERESA) to HERE – Africa It is a pleasure to share with you the Outcomes Report generated from the Higher Education Reform Experts – South Africa (HERESA) Dissemination, Synergy and Sustainability Event. Importantly, this outcomes report captures our collective decision to take HERESA into its next phase. Thank…

UWN: ‘Policy entrepreneurs’ acknowledged for HE reform efforts

Higher Education Reform Experts South Africa (HERESA), a three-year pilot that will come to an end in November, was “a success with tangible impact”, project coordinator Dr Sershen Naidoo told University World News at the end of the initiative’s final workshop in Johannesburg from 2-4 October. Desmond Thompson (University World News), chatted with Dr Sershen…

UWN: Strengthening leadership capacity will drive vital change in HE

“The need to strengthen the capacity of leaders in higher education so that they can drive much-needed change in the sector was high on the agenda at a three-day workshop of Higher Education Reform Experts South Africa (HERESA) held in Johannesburg from 2-4 October.” Desmond Thompson (University World News), gave a summary and insight to…

Agents of Change: HERESA Promotional Video

Over the last three years, the Higher Education Reform Experts South Africa (HERESA) has championed reform in the higher education sector, shaping policy, forging strategic partnerships, and responding to evolving societal needs. As a network devised between THENSA and OBREAL Global, with funding from the Erasmus+ Programme, HERESA has solidified its reputation as an agent…

Upcoming Events

Previous Events

The Technological Higher Education Network South Africa (THENSA) is recognised as a vibrant, innovative consortium for advancing technology-focused institutions with a transformative social impact.

               Read a message from the THENSA CEO and HERESA Project Leader, Dr Anshu Padayachee

OBREAL Global has transformed over the past years from an association that primarily promotes European Union-Latin America cooperation in higher education and research to one with a broader inter-regional mandate and membership scope, committed to strengthening South-South- North cooperation within and between regions.

Read a message from the President of OBREAL Global (HERESA EU Coordinating Partner), Mr Ramon Torrent

Partner Institutions

The network of Higher Education Reform Experts (HEREs) was established in the framework of the Tempus programme and continues to be supported through Erasmus+.

These experts constitute a pool of expertise to promote and enhance the modernisation of higher education. They participate in the development of policies and reforms in their countries and contribute to the training of local stakeholders. Their activities consist, for example, in organising and participating in seminars, writing articles and reports, or providing advice to individual institutions and policymakers.

Find out more about

The Erasmus+ Higher Education Reform Experts (HEREs)