HERESA Podcast: Young Academics – Episode 4

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the “digital divide” became a major talking point in the higher education sector. Challenges regarding access to data and internet connectivity became a rallying call for students and academics looking to ensure no one would be left behind in the virtual classroom. For this final episode of the ‘Young Academics’ podcast,…

HERESA Podcast: Young Academics – Episode 3

The task of implementing strategies to discourage cheating in the virtual classroom was one of the themes for the third episode of the “Young Academics” Podcast. For our participants, this growing threat prompted them to rethink their approach toward assessment so that their teaching methods were relevant, dynamic, and engaged with the needs of the…

HERESA Podcast: Young Academics – Episode 2

One of the key objectives of the HERESA Project is to foster South-South-North cooperation amongst our members. This became especially relevant during the pandemic when an inability to travel and meet face-to-face called for closer collaboration between local and international partners. That we were all united in tackling challenges was a unifying theme that arose…