HERESA and National Policy Development

Background The Higher Education Reform Experts South Africa (HERESA) is a collaborative multi-country initiative overseen by the Technology Higher Education Network South Africa (THENSA). HERE-SA supports technological advancements in learning, focussing specifically on: (1) entrepreneurship education, (2) work-integrated learning (WIL), (3) competency-based learning and teaching (CBLT), (4) competences for the 4IR, and (5) the leadership…

UWN: Competency Based Education: Balance Soft and Hard Skills

Technology-focused universities in Africa have been urged to adopt competency-based teaching and learning practices that integrate theoretical discipline-specific knowledge, practical technical skills and positive workplace attitudes that would improve students’ employability in the current and future job market and stimulate continuous learning. Read the full article here. Article published with reference to a session at…

UWN: Youth unemployment: Entrepreneurship, start-ups supported

Entrepreneurial education is touted, in part as the solution, if not the silver bullet, to South Africa’s growing youth unemployment rate and other socio-economic challenges that plague the country. It is within this context that higher education institutions have established or are establishing themselves as entrepreneurial hubs, despite the many limitations they face. The ongoing…

UWN: How can universities fortify the 4IR in their curricula?

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic saw an upsurge of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) technologies in Africa, from artificial intelligence in medical technology, 3D printing for medical use, drones delivering life-saving medicine and digital learning platforms in schools and universities. Read the full article here. Article published with reference to a session at the…

UWN: ‘Tripartite curriculum strategy’ bridges work-academia gap

Higher education institutions in South Africa are at the helm of building an innovative, knowledge-rich, and resilient society. Yet, they are often criticised for producing graduates who are not ‘fit for purpose’ because of a disconnect between industry requirements and university curricula. Siphosethu Nxumalo (University World News) reports on the Work Integrated Learning session of…

HERESA Café: Communities of Practice for Educators and Researchers in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The second session for the HERESA Café focused on how educators and researchers in entrepreneurship and innovation can learn from each other and the role of communities of practice. Last year, HERESA established four Communities of Practice (CoPs) in the following areas: Entrepreneurship of Teaching And Learning, Work-Integrated Learning (WIL), Competency-Based Learning and Curriculum Development…

HERESA in the everchanging “new normal”

For almost two years, the world has had to adapt to the varying new normals that the COVID-19 pandemic has presented. For the Higher Education Reform Experts South Africa (HERESA) project, this adaptation has strengthened our commitment to reform and revitalise higher education in South Africa. In the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic,…


Over warm cups of coffee shared over three different continents, members of the HERESA community came together to talk about the Flipped Classroom model for the first HERESA Café. The inaugural HERESA Café got off to an exciting start as members of the HERESA community gathered to discuss the topic, “How Not to Slip in…